Friday, April 20, 2007

Panda Bear

Panda Bear is Noah Lennox, a member of the weird experimental rock outfit Animal Collective. Animal Collective's 2005 release Feels was one of the best of the year. It's the "Pet Sounds" of the 21st century. Layered harmonies, string arrangements, "found sounds"; it's Brian Wilson reborn. The lush weirdness remains intact on the new Panda Bear release Person Pitch.

Panda Bear: MySpace
Animal Collective: MySpace

Panda Bear - Bros

Animal Collective - The Purple Bottle

Monday, April 16, 2007

Vid of the Day: West African Drumming

Mamady Keita, Soungalo Coulibaly, and Famoudou Konate - master djembe drummers from West Africa - strut their stuff:

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Vid of the Day: Bob Marley

This is a gem from YouTube. Bob, Peter, and Bunny doing their thing: